-Jayant Meshram, Ajinkya Mondhe, Akash Nachan, Tejas Nilangekar, Aditya Patil
According to Ranking on Github, JAVA is top 3rd programming language since 2016. It was one of the “most popular programming language in use” in 2019, specially for the client-server web-applications.
This is not the only field JAVA has rooted its influence in but also has its applications in other major fields as Desktop Application, Web development, Big data, Mobile development, etc.
The main difference between JAVA and any other programming language is the method in which JAVA code is executed. JAVA is compiled into bytecode which can run on any device with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It adds portability to JAVA which resonates with the saying, “write once, read anywhere” (WORA).
1.Desktop Application
Applications generally contain many small programs within itself. To organize and use this different mini-programs within an application, GUI plays very important role being most effective for the consumers.
JAVA provides us with some powerful options such as JavaFX, Swings and AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit), that lets developers quickly work on their app development. Using these high-end options, it is easier for the developers to work on complicated and try parts. The packs with numerous features make the job easier, quick and efficient at the same time.
Eg: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse and Netbeans, Minecraft
2. Web Applications, Pages and Servers
A web application helps clients to interact with the server and access information. JAVA is perfect for developing large web applications too because of its ability to communicate with a large number of systems. Services like peer-web services, database connectivity, and back-end services can also be accessed via Java web development.
JAVA provides us a lot of platform for creating web application such as servlet API, JSP(JavaServer Pages), (JPA) Java Persistence API, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) etc.
In addition to this JAVA is also used in Web and Application servers for responding to HTTP Protocols and handling and serving the business logic and processes.
3.Scientific Applications
It is said that the objected-oriented programming has been so successful because the world is made up of objects, it makes easier to use a language and relate it with real world problem statements. JAVA, because of its security and robustness is being held highly by the programmers for creating scientific applications. JAVA has several scientific computing libraries (such as Java Numerics and Colt) and is expanding continuously.
Eg: MATLAB, one of the most powerful scientific application, uses JAVA for user interface as well as part of the core system.
4.Mobile Development
JAVA has upper-hand in android development as the Android API is similar to Java API. Its been the primary option for developing native applications on the Android platform. Apart from this, it’s also structured to be platform-independent and secure.
Android, doesn’t JVM for executing class files. It uses Dalvik virtual machine(DVK).
In order to run on Dalvik Virtual machines, .class files are converted into .dex. After conversion to DEX format, these are bundled into Android Package (APK) for distribution and installation.
For Android app developers, JAVA also offers a huge collection of open-source libraries, which ultimately helps developers reduce development time and the lines of codes they’ll need to script(Eg: Apache Commons, Google Guava, Junit). The Android SDK offers standard Java libraries that handle data structuring, math, graphics, networking and more.
5.Enterprise Development and Business Apps
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the standard in community-driven enterprise software.
The enterprise apps and sites have high priority towards keeping their data safe, secure and at a reliable pace. With the help of JAVA, developers are able to code these programs well and keep everything secure. JAVAs support for the multiple devices, immense collection of libraries, performance, scalability and huge resources makes it very suitable for enterprise-projects.
Many of bank applications and sites are developed using Java platforms.
6.Big Data
There are several languages programmers use for handling the big data such as R, Python, Scala and JAVA. These Different programming languages have unique structures and formats, so their use is driven more by preference point of view. Although, R is best for for statistics, visualization, and data modeling rather than analysis and Scala is most preferred in financial sector, JAVA and Python holds the top edge being preferred by over millions of programmers.
A survey claims that around 5 million programmers are using python, while around 9 million, are JAVA users.
Although, in terms of handling Big Data Python is rather more readable, more versatile and efficient in some ways, JAVA is preferred by some because of its faster execution, security, platform independency, flexibility and reusability.
It is debatable to claim one being best than other in case of python and JAVA for handling big data as both have advantages and disadvantages wrt to each other, but is evident that JAVA can handle the most of needs of Data Scientists and is very good option for such task.
7.Cloud Computing
Being platform-independent and having advantage of being object oriented to create modular programs and reusable codes, JAVA is also used in cloud computing. Being platform independent, it can be easily moved from one computer system to another also, the ability to run the same program on many different systems makes Java run smoothly when it comes to cloud computing. Due to its robustness, ease of use, multi-platform capabilities and security features, it occupies a privileged position among programmers who design Internet solutions.
Minecraft, one the most played games in the world is entirely coded on JAVA. The Versatile nature of language and its immense collection of open-source Material makes game developers to use JAVA. Although, right now most of the companies gave priority to C#, there are some who use JAVA as primary language. Indie Game development Companies have always preferred JAVA from long time for creating mobile games. Also, most of the old famous games were developed using JAVA (Asphalt series, Mission Impossible etc.)
9.Embedded Systems
Embedded Java refers to versions of the Java program language that are designed for embedded systems. Since 2010 embedded Java implementations have come closer to standard Java, and are now virtually identical to the Java Standard Edition.(
As Java is considered as write once and run anywhere, Platform independence gives portability with respect to the processor and the OS used.
Also, JAVA does not permit pointer manipulation instructions, so it is robust in the sense that memory leaks and memory related errors do not occur which is an important factor in terms of embedded system.
10.Business Applications
Java beats most of its competitors in ratings all over the world in regard of being primary language in Business sectors. Many famous companies such as Goldman Sachs, eBay, Google, and others uses JAVA for the because of its fast performance, Extensive framework base and high scalability.
CEO of Present, Bob Lee, who also created the Cash App, has praised JAVA for its uses in business related apps saying JAVA fulfils performance and extreme scalability requirements like no other.
In Addition to this, investment banking, which is a high-risk, performance-dependent business, turns to Java for safety and productivity. For the same safety reasons, this language was chosen to be used for governmental services.
JAVA has its uses in almost in every field of software development, from simple desktop applications to complex embedded system. Specially, when the security is prior concern, for example in banking and business apps, or when the Web based app needs good backend integration with large database, JAVA is preferred.
In cases, it sure has some cons compared to some other programming language, but giving and taking one or two features, it still can be used to meet the required objective in most of the fields.(How efficiently?, that is another question), So from the discussion above it can be summarized that it is not an overstatement to say that the JAVA is one of best future-proof programming language out there now. And from time to time, developers, according to their varying needs can use the feature and functionalities of JAVA in various sectors.
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